Friday, November 19, 2010

Gonna give wool a try!

So after much thought I'm going to give wool covers a try too. I have chatted with several woman who live in either Florida or Texas  who swear up and down that wool is awesome even in out hot temps. So I ordered some. I ordered 1 Sustainablebabyish knit wool cover in natural which is one of their new colors so I wont get it until mid December but that's ok since I wont have a baby to use it on until March :-) lol. While I was there I also ordered 2 of their snap less multi-fitted diapers (which are made with a heavy organic bamboo

cotton terry body with turned and top stitched leg elastic), 1 Organic Bamboo Fleece Doubler to try, 1 roll of Bummis Bio-soft Liners in small to try, 1 planet wise wet/dry bag (it has two separate pockets which I thought would work great for storing some wipes in one spot and dirty diapers in the big pocket), and of course some Eucalan no rinse wool wash. One of the reasons why I went with Sustainablebabyish is because of this: "sustainablebabyish/sloomb has partnered with Trees for the Future to offset the carbon generated in the production and care of each of our cloth diapers and knit wool covers. when you purchase a sustainablebabyish cloth diaper, a tree is planted in Southeast Asia. you know choosing cloth diapers keeps disposables out of landfills. now, your choice also reduces carbon emissions and helps reforest the planet." I love that this company does this!!
I just can't wait to get the new fluff in the mail! I only have a few more things that I want to buy for Javan that will go over his little bum so that saddens me but one of the reasons for doing cloth diapering is to save money so I can't really justify buying more than we need :-( so I guess I will savor these last few things that I need to buy (at least until he grows out of the ones we have :-D). I know I'm addicted lol


Christina said...

Wool is so much fun... it's addicting. It makes me want to learn to knit. haha. I need to take some pics of our babe in his shorties before he outgrows them :-/ He has some gorgeous ones.

Bree Edwards said...

I've tried knitting I'm way better at crocheting :-) my left hand doesn't like to do what my brain tells it to do so knitting is just plain frustrating lol I'm stalking the sustainablebabyish page all this week because she's having deals all the way up to black friday and I want to order another wool cover :-) or two lol

Christina said...

I can't crochet, either... I've tried a lot of times over a lot of years... my mom tried to teach me when I was on bedrest pregnant with LO, but... yeah. I couldn't even make a square. One day she comes in and I have four of them, and she looks at them and says, "What... what did you do to them?" I decided that was enough crocheting.

Bree Edwards said...

ha ha that's so funny!