Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sinus Infection

So I haven't worked out in almost a week since I've been ill. I apparently have a sinus infection plus i had a stomach virus. So I've taken some measures to make sure this never happens again since it hurts like hell almost as bad as my migraines and I'm sure this also plays apart in my migrains. Today we bought a steamer so I can inhale that twice a day and we got a neti pot, nasal irrigation system, from SinuCleanse. Hopefully these two things together will 1 help with my allergies so i don't need to take pills for it (this is what it says) 2 help clear my sinus infection faster since it's not really seeming to budge with the antibiotics. I really want to feel better so i can get on with working out (i really miss it) and function in my daily life because since i got ill I've haven't really been up to par.

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