Friday, February 5, 2010

coming to the end of week 2

Well here i am I've worked out almost every day now for 2 weeks! Go me! I for one didn't think I'd ever manage to do 20 minutes sweating on an elliptical but that's what I'm up to now. For the most part it doesn't even feel like working out until i get off it and every muscle in my body screams at me say what the hell did you just do to me. At the beginning of this week my weight had dropped down to 153lbs but has gone back up now to 155lbs? they do say muscle weighs more so that's what I'm going with. So far the benefits from working out aren't that great. 1. all my muscles ache pretty much all the time 2. i seem to poo way more than i used to (i guess this is a plus except when I'm try to hurry and leave the house and it's like uh oh got to go again ugh...and yes tmi i know) 3. (even more tmi) something I'm taking, which i think is the creatine drink that with out I'd be crippled, is giving me some seriously foul gas. i mean like clear the freaking room gas that makes you gag. no a plus at all. Gary says he can see a difference in my body I just don't see it I guess I'm being to judgemental on myself. I did my yoga/palates DVD today on top of my elliptical work out and holly cow i can tell a difference from when i used this DVD and was skinny to now. I can barely do any of the things like i could before. How did i ever getting things this bad. Oh well at least instead of just complaining about it I'm actually doing something about it now. A huge step in the right direction. I may just bust out the measuring tape to see if there is actually any change in that? Maybe not don't want to be disappointed if there is no change. Oh well it's 2:30pm and i stink so i need to get in the shower :-)

1 comment:

Gary Edwards said...

I'm so proud of you love...except for the gas bit, we need to get that part under control. :-)