Monday, May 23, 2011

busting out the measuring tape again

well since i started trying to loose weight in the last two weeks I've gone up in weight so I thought it might be a better idea to just do my measurements. so here they are:
weight:188 lbs
bust: 42"
chest: 34"
waist: 44"
hip: 43"
midway: 45 1/2"
thigh: 23"
knee: 17 1/2"
calves: 15"
upper arm: 13"
forearm: 9"
ugh I have a lot of hard work ahead of me just to get even close to my pre-pregnancy measurements. but I am determined to get back into a size that i'm comfortable with.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

i've totally neglected my blog...sorry

so lifes been a little busy since adding Javan to our family and this is one of many things i let fall to the side. hopefully that wont be the case anymore. So I finally decided to start working out since most of me feels recovered from the c-section. Along the incision line i still feel bruised when touched but just moving around it doesn't hurt. Also more days than not my hip and shoulder don't bother me. So I ordered this 24 day challenge kit because I figure spending money will help keep me motivated to actually work out. My starting weight was 185 lbs. yeah that was 9 days ago I now weigh 188 lbs!?!??? what the heck. ok this sucks but it doesn't mean i'm going to stop trying it just means I'm going to have to work harder. I just wish my legs didn't hurt so much ;-)
well Javan is crying so that's all i have time for right now!