Friday, October 29, 2010
totally geeking out over cloth diapers and swaddle blankets
lol I don't think I've ever been so excited to receive a package! I got my order from Cotton Babies today and it's full of fluffy stuff for my babies bottom!! I got a bunch of Indian Prefold Diapers, some Flip diapers with organic cotton inserts, some Hemp Babies inserts, Bummis snap diapers, and I can't wait to order more!! lol and I don't even have a baby yet to put them on! Also while at Target today I went in the baby section and found they carry Aden + Anais Swaddleplus blankets!! OMG!! I almost did a jig right there in the store. They are made out of 100% Cotton Muslin. They are so soft and airy (which is a big deal here in Texas). They were only $30 for a package of 4!! I bought some other cute outfits too that they had! My husband thinks I've lost my mind with how completely giddy these few items have made me!! lol I probably have lost some of my sense from lack of sleep but I'll take this warm dopey feeling I got right now for a bit of sanity!! Just thought I'd share my joy!!
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To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 02:39 PM (2 of 50) In reply to this post I can feel your excitement!! Congrats on your special finds.......I have heard from many that it is very addicting collecting cloth diapers :)
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-29 02:48 PM (3 of 50) In reply to this post yeah i've heard that too and can totally see how it's possible. i just want everything i need NOW lol! I'm just focused on getting that first. Then I think I'll once a month buy something I just want to try but for now I'm just getting stuff I know I need. :-) since the whole point is to save money by doing cloth diapers and reducing waste. I don't do waiting very well so having a baby registry is KILLING me and my friends have threated me if I buy any more off it but I just want it all here so i have it all ready. lol i'm so ocd and adhd about planning and preparing for stuff my husband is finding how the waiting is driving me nuts funny to no end!
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 04:28 PM (4 of 50) In reply to this post I LOVE getting new fluff! I always go to my local diaper store and get it. I will actually be making a trip out there in the next couple of weeks to pick up all my newborn fitted ones that I have been saving for.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: alexisreuther2009 Posted: Oct-29 05:12 PM (5 of 50) In reply to this post i've only found one store near me but you have to make an appointment to go by and then i don't feel free just to browse you know. I wish they had a store that was just a store :-(
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 07:08 PM (6 of 50) In reply to this post Oh that really does stink! It is probably small and she does not have the room for a lot of people. I know my local one started that way. She just did it because it was in her home but she spent as much time with you as you needed and was soo helpful. Honestly, I would encourage you to do an appointment if you want to see a lot of options.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: alexisreuther2009 Posted: Oct-29 07:27 PM (7 of 50) In reply to this post probably once the baby gets here I'll want to go to her place for more options but from her site it seems like it's more of an internet based buisness but they allow by appointment to come to their warehouse. I'll def at some point in time go there but I already decided on what I want to build my stock with for now and I know if I go there to soon I'll start buying other stuff not on my list since everything is so darn cute lol!! My purse addiction has been replaced with diapers :-)
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 07:54 PM (8 of 50) In reply to this post HAHA!! Isn't it terrible how addicting cloth diapers can be?? My poor hubby is thinking do you really need these newborn diapers??? LOL
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 07:56 PM (9 of 50) In reply to this post You are so funny :)
From: hopeful_mommy2010 To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 08:08 PM (10 of 50) In reply to this post Thanks Bree for your post! I just spent ALL afternoon on looking up cloth diapers and now am totally obsessed! I am most intrigued by the Indian prefolds + thirsties duo wraps... I don't think my DH is a big fan of cloth diapering... but I'm going to push it nonetheless!
in my area, I also found a few local vendors for the diapers I liked... but they are also internet based with no storefront, and also very limited stock on alot of the stuff. After much searching, I finally found ONE place that seem to be open to viewing by appointment, so I may have to call and inquire.
Thanks again, I had a very productive day! :)
Reply From: breeaedwards To: alexisreuther2009 Posted: Oct-29 08:54 PM (11 of 50) In reply to this post lol my husband wasn't really into it, not against it just not into it, until they showed up today now he's totally geeking out on them too! lol
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-29 08:55 PM (12 of 50) In reply to this post :-D why thank you lol ;-)
Reply From: breeaedwards To: hopeful_mommy2010 Posted: Oct-29 09:03 PM (13 of 50) In reply to this post lol your welcome :-D!! My hubby wasn't really into it, he didn't really care about them was all for saving the money but didn't care until I showed him the diapers and he played with the snaps and everything and was like awww so cute and my parents will die when they come visit and see how far cloth diapering has come. He's totally geeking on them now too lol!! We're both big dorks so it's ok.
Here's the website I buy off of since they have free shipping and carry good quality stuff they carry Thirsties duo wraps too and I'm totally loving the Indian prefolds I bought from them.
this is a great blog that if you search different topics and brands in her search box she has used lots of different stuff and her readers post lots of tips and info too in the comments after her posts
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-29 11:31 PM (14 of 50) In reply to this post OMG thank you! We weren't really considering cloth (we'd heard from friends about higher energy costs etc.) until we read somewhere about disposables taking something like 300 years to biodegrade AND our city is changing garbage collection to every 2 weeks (recycling and compost/yard waste go every week) and 2 weeks of disposables piling up in the house scared the heck out of me! We went to a store last night to check out strollers and the lady started telling us about cloth and we are sold! But I felt totally overwhelmed! I just started reading the blog that you posted and it is a great way to learn about wth is out there and what it all means! This is our first so diapers of all kinds are still a pretty new concept to us so any and all help and recommendations and tips and tricks are appreciated!
And we started geeking out too last night. Mostly about strollers and car seats (my hubs) and then the daipers and carriers. Who knew! And i'm SOOO with you on the purse (and shoes for me!) obsession changing over to baby stuff! LOL.
Thanx again! And keep it coming!
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-29 11:55 PM (15 of 50) In reply to this post as far as higher energy costs go most of the covers your better off hang drying it will prolong their life, even though most are safe for the dryer now a days. and the inserts and diapers you can also line dry them (your not supposed to use fabric softner on any of the cloth diapering stuff). I plan to for most the year do this since I live in Texas but during the cooler times I'll still hang them to dry for a while then toss them in the dryer that way you still aren't drying the whole time in the machine. So there are plenty of ways around that little obsticale :-) It sounds like with ya'lls new waste collection schedule cloth diapering would totally be the best for you in that regard because baby diapers sitting around for 2 weeks will make your bin smell so funky lol I have started really blogging about baby stuff on my own blog and my personal choices and some of my finds the link to my blog is in my siggy. lol I don't think baby stuff or cloth diapers will ever replace my shoe addiction that ones pretty ingrain :-) but feel free to ask any questions that you have and i'll answer as best I can!
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: canucksfan Posted: Oct-30 08:36 AM (16 of 50) In reply to this post Bree is right about the dryer. I have CD my son from 3 months on. We spent so much money on diapers. I did have a lot given to us but it was a huge relief to actually not have to buy diapers. Although we use disposables at night because we have yet to find a cloth diaper that will hold enough pee and not give him a rash and I tried out probably 7 different options before doing this.
Our energy bill has not gone up. We do have well water so we do not have to pay for water. Our energy went up a few dollars period after Eli was born but that is from washing all his clothes, having his light on in his room etc. We only use hot water when we wash the diapers. We pre wash in cold, then wash in hot on a regular wash with a cold rinse. Then I hang them up to dry in my laundry room on a drying rack even in the winter. It has worked great! Putting them in the dryer is ok but it is really unnecessary and will add cost to your electric or gas bill whichever you have. Good luck with your decisions and if you have any questions I might be able to help:)
Oh and we use pocket diapers. I have found they are the easiest for everybody other than me that has to change them. I am willing to do pre folds but DH is not ok with that! LOL I will do fitteds with the thirsties covers for newborn. I am also probably going to add in some Hybrids like the Flip or Grovia into my stash with this baby.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: alexisreuther2009 Posted: Oct-30 09:25 AM via the android app (17 of 50) In reply to this post Ha ha I don't hear often that I'm right (I'm often right just no one tells me) your post made me smile and whoop out and go ha I was right my husband gave me the strangest look lol :-) I'm so easily pleased its not even funny
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 12:45 PM (18 of 50) In reply to this post Bree and alexisreuther2009, THANK YOU!!! I will definitely be reaching out to you guys with questions! And Bree, I will for sure check out your blog. Definitely hang drying is an option, except I live in Vancouver, which is like Seattle in that it rains ALL THE TIME and is humid etc. so drying stuff in a room without a heater can take forever! So maybe if I just buy a few more, they have a bit longer time to dry. Or like you say alexis, half hang, half dryer. We're going to have to do some more research to find out where we can get the brands you mention here in Canada. Thankfully we have time! :) And great resources like you guys! Hahah!
Thanx again!
Reply From: To: Posted: Oct-30 05:21 PM (19 of 50) In reply to this post Did you know that they make organic biodegradable (faster) diapers? I was looking up ways to recycle and they came up. Thought I would give you an alternative if you get tired of the poo. I don't know if I can personally handle the cloth diapers... my oldest son just turned 18 and having another baby now is crazy to me but knowing I would have to worry about the constant changing of possible diarrhea when baby is sick makes me want to hurl myself... but if you choose to stick with your cloth diapers Kudos to you sister.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 07:13 PM (20 of 50) In reply to this post one way of dealing with the poos is they make flushable liners now that when they poo you just plop that part in the toilet and flush so it's much easier to deal with the poopies in cloth diapers now a days too
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: Posted: Oct-30 08:14 PM (21 of 50) In reply to this post They also have diaper sprayers that spray it all off. If you look on any disposable diaper it says you are supposed to put all solids in the toilet before throwing away too. Also with diahrea a disposable is not going to hold it in as well as cloth. I have NEVER had one accident with my cloth diapers. With disposables I have had a ton of blow outs and ruined clothes.
From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 09:41 PM (22 of 50) In reply to this post Even after 2 kids, I never even thought of using cloth diapers. I always thought they were those dinky cloth diapers that u get at babies r us and pin on the sides and what not. I always avoided them cause I thought that was just too much of a hassle and the whole washing thing. I figured we'd be spending more on our water and electric bill with all the washing we'd have to do. After reading your post tho, I'm so intrigued and i've started researching about them now! They're sooooo cute hahaha. NOT TO MENTION how much $$ it would save to not have to continually buy diapers. especially in the first few months when they go through about 2 or more large boxes of diapers in about a week! I'm going to talk to husband about them. I've already Yelped some places that sell cloth diapers and I've already found a full cloth diaper service and a boutique that specializes in them. a;dskjfa;sdkjf I think you have officially got me geeking out over cloth diapers!!
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 09:55 PM (23 of 50) In reply to this post YAY for baby stuff!
I'll admit... I think I'm gonna use disposable diapers. I'm a first-timer and a little nervous about the cloth diapering. Plus, we live in New Orleans, and there's only ONE place in the whole city that sells cloth diapers. No diaper services. :( But, I do think they're SO great, and a great way to save money, and not to mention WAY cuter than the disposable ones!
BUT... I'm SOOOOOO glad you said you found the Aden & Anais swaddlers at Target. I've been looking for them in stores all over town, and when you said Target, I made DH take me there today so I could buy some!!! Wheeee! I love those blankets, and at $30 for 4, they're a GREAT deal!
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 09:58 PM (24 of 50) In reply to this post lol YAY and welcome to the club!! :-D
Reply From: To: ALL Posted: Oct-30 10:02 PM via the iPhone app (25 of 50) In reply to this post My MIL would love for me to use cloth diapers. I told her I can't be bothered. Haha. Kudos to those who can
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 10:06 PM (26 of 50) In reply to this post haha thank you very much :) i know who to turn to if I have any questions...Hope you don't mind! i'm such a newbie and don't even know how much I should get, or which kind lol. aaaahhh! It's going to be extra work on my part, but if it'll benefit my baby girl's bum ((which it probably would considering how sensitive her oldest brother's bum was when he was an infant)) and save us a few $$ i'm all for it :D I'm so excited! haha.
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 10:08 PM (27 of 50) In reply to this post OH! which brings me to my first question lol. How are they when you're on the go, out and about? Or do you just use regular diapers then? sorry if this is kind of a no brainer question haha. I just have no idea!
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 10:23 PM (28 of 50) In reply to this post lol I'm so glad my little blog entry I copyed to here has been so very usefull to so many different people!!
I can't wait to buy more of them (aden + anais blankets)they are so soft and fluffy! and every time I wash the new baby clothes I buy I'm going to throw them in the wash because they get softer and fluffier the more they're washed! you should still look at the different cloth diapers. you can use AIO (which means all in one diapers) is just like using a disposable you just don't throw it away. It is everything sewn into one the cloth diaper and cover is combined so there is no guessing involved. and don't be to scared just to buy a few to try you don't have to fully commit to them you know ;-)
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 10:33 PM via the iPhone app (29 of 50) In reply to this post Cloth diapering IS addictive and i can totally relate!! When mine arrived my partner and I were like kids at Christmas!! I have prestuffed them all and just need my baby so I can get started! I am going to invest in some pretty pink ones now I know we are expecting a girl! What a cheerful happy post! Enjoy your diapers etc and H&H pregnancy to you all!
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 10:37 PM (30 of 50) In reply to this post That's a good idea... wash them more than once before the baby comes. The little boy I used to nanny for had those blankets, and they were always the best when I'd grab them straight from the dryer! Mmmmm, I want to snuggle with them now!
Another good idea-- buy just a few of the cloth diapers and see how it goes. That way I haven't invested a ton of money if it doesn't work out, but I can always go buy more if I try it and love it! Geeeeeeeenius!
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 10:42 PM (31 of 50) In reply to this post well you can always carry a small wet bag (which is a absolutely leak resistant bag with a zipper top) in your diaper bag and carry on like you do at home or like the Flip diapers they make a disposable insert that are supposed to make things a bit more easier when on the go. The Flip Day Pack: Organic that I just got had a free package of them so I look forward to giving them a try becasue then you just need to take a few of them with you and an extra cover and don't worry about having to carry around dirty diapers :-) also if ever your baby does gets a rash these would be good to use while it heals so you don't bung up any of your diapers because bum creams will mess them up! and 18 for $5 is cheap! and the stuff their made out of is still much better than what's in regular disposals. Hope this helps :-D
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 10:47 PM (32 of 50) In reply to this post lol I know it's horribly addicting :-) Mine are all prefolded and tucked away in the changing table all ready to go! I've gotten a few blue covers already since we found out ours is a boy.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 10:48 PM (33 of 50) In reply to this post lol
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 10:52 PM (34 of 50) In reply to this post thank you so much :) that helps a lot! I can't wait to buy some! hahah.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 10:56 PM (35 of 50) In reply to this post :-) Your welcome I can't wait to buy the rest of the stuff I want lol
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-30 11:21 PM via the iPhone app (36 of 50) In reply to this post You all are cracking me up. Just wait until you get to cloth training paints! I just found the best ones. Unfortunately cotton babies doesn't sell them. They are called Ecapants. Seriously, you need to look them up. Wicked pricey but when I did the math to compare them to pull ups they were MUCH cheaper! These are the only trainers my little 20 lb 17 month old fits in. They are the cutest "painties" (as we call them) EVER! Sorry, but I am geeking out over these and I had to share!
One caution about buying lots of diapers: the longer they are in a stay dry diaper the more difficult they are to potty train bc they don't know when they are wet that they need a new diaper. I still love my bum genius though- just wish someone had hold me this sooner bc I would've started potty training sooner and using more prefolds.
So glad you all are so into CDing!!! It really makes me smile! I really like the idea that my kids will not leave their dirty diapers on this planet for all eternity. That makes me smile too.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-30 11:58 PM (37 of 50) In reply to this post thanks for the recommendation I'll have to write it down for later use! I haven't bought any of the stay dry insterst yet I'm planning to mainly just use prefolds and flats with covers. Good thinking though about the stay dry stuff that it'll make potty training a bit harder just like with disposables. I'm also so happy about the idea that my kids will not leave their dirty diapers on this planet for all eternity. Me and my DH were talking about how we can keep them for when our kids have kids and for them to use and that will really make it all worth it! Now that idea REALLY makes me smile =D
Reply From: To: breeaedwards Posted: Oct-31 02:01 AM (38 of 50) In reply to this post OK, so I spent about 2 hours today researching local companies that sell CDs and all 3 that I started with actually offer free (or small fee) workshops, during which they will review the different types, do demos, talk about all the benefits, answer questions, let you try it on a doll etc. How cool is that! And one of the companies also offers a newborn rental pack so you don't have to invest in a full set of newborn stuff for 8-12 weeks (or until your newborn is big enough to move on) as well as a trial pack that offers all the different types for you to try out with all the related accessories (prefold with snappies, AIO, covers, liners, etc.) So now getting more and more comfortable with the terminology and the fact that I think we can really do this!
So for those of you that have used/are planning to use, what systems do you prefer? Bree, you said you're going prefold right? Alexisreuther, you said pocket, right? I was originally looking at the pocket as well. I think I saw a pocket at the store. Though she didn't really tuck the prefold in anywhere, it just kind of laid on top of the cover. Does that make it a prefold with a cover? LOL. Clearly I haven't learnt everything yet!
And , great question about travel diapers! I was considering just taking the easy route and doing disposable on trips. More for not carrying around a soiled diaper than anything else!
You guys rock, thank you again for informing and motivating me to go this route! I will definitely be back for questions, so you haven't seen the last of me yet! LOL.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: Posted: Oct-31 10:24 PM (39 of 50) In reply to this post cool about the newborn rental! and yeah it sounds like the diaper you discribed was a diaper and wrap. Pockets I think all have a liner built into the diaper that the diaper would be stuck into.
I am planning to use prefolds & flats with a cover/wrap. I'm going to use indian prefolds & flip inserts I'm also going to buy a dozen flats and using mainly with flip covers, bummis whisper wraps, bummis super brites and bummis super snaps. I'm also buying some proraps in newborn since they have the notch cut out for the cord.
Reply From: breeaedwards To: ALL Posted: Oct-31 10:29 PM (40 of 50) In reply to this post I would like to know if I could have everyones permission in this thread to copy and post this on my posting on my blog? If you don't want your user name to appear I will photoshop it out but I'd rather not have to edit it :-) Please let me know if it's ok.
Reply From: alexisreuther2009 To: breeaedwards Posted: Nov-01 08:39 AM (41 of 50) In reply to this post You are more than welcome to put whatever you like of mine in there:) I don't care about my name being in it either. Also pockets have an insert that you stick in. It can be microfiber, hemp, or bamboo. I have a stash of all three the hemp being my favorite.
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